UltiMaker PVA

UltiMaker PVA
UltiMaker PVA (polyvinyl alcohol) is a leading water-soluble support material for multi-extrusion 3D printing. It offers you freedom and convenience: to design complex model geometries that require supports, which dissolve away in tap water.
About UltiMaker Materials:
Choosing the right material is critical to the success of your 3D print. UltiMaker’s open filament system lets you print with any filament and print profiles from the UltiMaker Marketplace streamline print preparation and maximize your print success rate. Make your application meet the demands of the real world by printing it with advanced polymers and composites. Any 2.85 mm filament works with UltiMaker hardware, and an expanding selection of materials with print profiles from the UltiMaker Marketplace guarantee print success every time.
The UltiMaker material portfolio has materials with a wide variety of properties: stiff, strong, tough, flexible and thermal resistant. All properties are measured on 3D printed specimen and the values are listed in the UltiMaker technical data sheets (TDS). UltiMaker Certified Materials enable you to print confidently with the best-in-class third-party materials on your UltiMaker printer. For first time-right parts – even when using advanced or specialized materials.