3DP 100 Series Worktable
Introducing the 100 Series Worktable
3D Platform features the WorkSeries™ family of industrial 3D printer platforms, expanding on the capability of the industry leading Workbench FFF 3D printer. With build areas up to 1m x 1.5m x 0.7m, and a family of extruders that give you the power to choose from printing fine surface finishes up to 16 times faster than industry standard extruders, the WorkSeries is designed to be a rugged solution for a wide range of applications.
Build area: 1 m X 1 m X .5 m (Z). Comes with a standard 8-bit processor and dual head volcano extruders that can basically print about 1- 5 pounds of spool in a day.
The WorkSeries is more than just another 3D printer, it has been designed through a professional user-experience process—with input from engineers, product developers and top creative talent around the world—incorporating tools they need to take the 3DP platform to the next level. The result is a comprehensive toolkit that increases capacity, enables them to expand their capabilities and bring their ideas to life.